"Everything is Possible" Opera Scene Mockup


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BootHamilton: Better than Rich Little? Jun 2, 2021 16:45:36 GMT
BootHamilton: Oops... sorry. I just checked. He did a great Praying Mantis (His cricket actually sucked). Jun 2, 2021 16:50:13 GMT
gx: Perhaps Debussy carried on his impressionism by reincarnating as Rich Little :)) Jun 3, 2021 15:48:27 GMT
BootHamilton: "gx: Perhaps Debussy carried on his impressionism by reincarnating as Rich Little :))" Whooaaaaahhh... Now that's H E A V Y Dude. I gotta' go take a rest. Jun 4, 2021 20:06:13 GMT *
BootHamilton: iiiit's a struggle.... Jun 25, 2021 19:38:19 GMT
gx: Hey HS, I was going to respond to your thread, but it has now vanished! Jul 20, 2021 15:12:02 GMT
fuguestate: Haha I deleted it out of shame Jul 20, 2021 15:15:17 GMT
gx: Oh, com'on.. the constraint on your free time, which should be figured into the equation , renders only a feeling of longing, not shame - if I have calculated correctly. Jul 20, 2021 15:42:23 GMT
fuguestate: The shame comes not from the constraints on free time, but from the fact that most of the free time I did have was used for other hobbies. :P Jul 20, 2021 16:34:44 GMT
fuguestate: (including not-so-productive ones...) Jul 20, 2021 16:35:19 GMT
gx: OK, then, this must be a ploy to guilt yourself into being productive... I understand :) Jul 20, 2021 16:47:00 GMT
fuguestate: Install NoScript and enable Javascript only for the most essential addresses (*.freeforums.net and *.proboards.com). There's a whole bunch of who knows what that the forum tries to load, some of which I'm certain are the cause of your CPU woes Jul 20, 2021 17:57:17 GMT
fuguestate: though this does come with the caveat that some things may malfunction or outright not work :/ Jul 20, 2021 17:58:15 GMT
fuguestate: but generally if you can figure out which addresses are essential, things will work, minus the extraneous fluff that eats CPU and memory for no good reason Jul 20, 2021 17:58:46 GMT
fuguestate: note that you may get popups about ad blockers, though... :P Jul 21, 2021 0:34:45 GMT
fuguestate: Wow this place looks pretty dead. :/ Dec 12, 2022 19:25:19 GMT
gx: maybe this site will get a few new members - if Ning site doesn't come back. In which case, I would definitely prefer this site to the other available options. Aug 25, 2023 21:35:25 GMT
fuguestate: Well, another episode of the drama that is the eponymous forum has just gone down in history. Interesting times! Sept 6, 2023 18:32:39 GMT
fuguestate: I guess with the resurrection of the Other Site under Kris this site is well and truly dead now. Sept 12, 2023 17:59:13 GMT
fuguestate: even though I also prefer this site's format than the Ning one. C'est la vie... Sept 12, 2023 18:00:20 GMT
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